
To provide a 10-minute presentation using PowerPoint and or video to include all equipment and steps for a single pavement preservation treatment.



To provide a 5-minute PowerPoint case study related to the topic of the session highlighting a successful project, process or program.



Sponsors will have their logos displayed at the opening of every session and during the Question and Answer periods. A “sponsor contacts” document will be distributed to all conference attendees following the conference.

Equipment & Case Study Sponsorships

Equipment and Process Presentations

Sponsor presentations will be part of Session 2 on Equipment and Process. The goal of the session is to make agency personnel (and their inspectors) aware of the types of equipment necessary for a quality preservation project. The equipment needs to include roadway preparation equipment, material delivery and laydown equipment, compaction equipment if needed, and roadway cleanup and reopening. The session will consist of one presentation on control systems and up to 8 10-minute presentations on preservation treatments.

If PowerPoint is used, then a maximum of 10 slides may be used. The sponsor may submit a video for their presentation, but videos must be submitted in advance and will be run from the IT desk at NCPP to assure consistent viewing and audio to the national audience. We have learned from experience that there are more issues with video in the virtual environment and these can be minimized by having them run on a single computer.

Unlike many equipment demonstrations, the goal is not to sell equipment but rather to educate a new generation of engineers and inspectors of typical equipment they should expect to see, what each piece does, and perhaps a few key things to look for. In every case, best practices should be demonstrated.

Company logos may be visible on the equipment and would also be expected on the opening and closing PowerPoint slides and at the beginning and ending of video material.

Please also indicate first, second and third choice case studies in case the treatment selected for the equipment and process presentation is already assigned. Assignments will be made on a first come, first served basis.

Case Studies

Each case study must be limited to 5.0 minutes and there is sufficient time to allow two case studies per session. Five PowerPoint slides are recommended. The case studies are not “sales pitches” but are designed to show many aspects of preservation success.

The case studies are designed to show an example of a successful treatment, process or product and they should highlight the factors that led to success. A hypothetical example might be “Use of polymer modified emulsion that allowed use of chip seals on high traffic volume US 52”. The first slide would be the title, along with the company logo for the case study sponsor. The second slide might be the “before” issues on the roadway, along with the traffic, and other important information about the site. The third slide might show the laydown, or some critical elements for success. The fourth slide would be the result after the treatment, perhaps with a photo of treatment after several years. The final slide would be the sponsor name, logo, contact person, and website. 

We would like the case studies to be well suited to the general topic of the session. For the example used here, the case study could fit in with the preservation basics, or emulsion basics and beyond session. If the case study example is a local agency, then it could also fit with the local agency session.

Please note that there is a session on concrete preservation, and two case studies on successful concrete preservation projects or programs are encouraged. Similarly, there is a session on recycling techniques, and two case studies in that session would be welcomed.

The case studies are not limited to “treatments” but can also relate to pavement management, pavement data collection and other topics. For example, a pavement management case study could look at an agency that uses PMS to develop their preservation program. If the case study is a local agency, it would fit into the local agency session. If the case study is on automated distress, it could fit into the research session.

Case studies will be assigned on a first-come/first served basis. Only one case study per sponsor. Please select first, second and third choice sessions in case your top selection is already filled.

National Center for Pavement Preservation